How to Do Pokémon Go Raids

Here’s everything you must know regarding how to do Pokémon raids and how they work.

How to Do Pokémon Go Raids
Unlike the regular Field Research and catching Pokémon all by yourself, the Pokémon Go raid battle is when a Boss Pokémon takes over a gym and you have to defeat this with the help of the other Trainers.
Since these are not much likely the usual battles, you have to actually face a powerful opponent this time. With that said, it has different levels, with Mega Raids being the toughest. So you’d need more Trainers after you jump to the next level, as the Boss Pokémon also gets bigger!
With that being said, down below is a concise guide on how to do Pokémon Go raids – which explains all the major things about the game quite comprehensively. So make sure to read it till the end.
On that note, let’s get started:

How to Join a Pokémon Go Raid?
Joining a raid battle in Pokémon Go takes up the following steps to join. You can either join it publicly or have your private lobby set up. That said, the following is a series of steps that can help you join a Pokémon Go raid:
First things first, you need to get a Raid pass before joining a raid battle – which can easily be earned through your first Gym PokeStop spin of the day. That said, if you want to play for more than one day, then you can buy Premium Raid Passes for 100 coins each from the in-game store.

Trainers will see Eggs appearing in particular gyms frequently. These will be having a timer by the side as well. So right after the timer strikes zero, the Egg hatches, and the Trainers simply have to reach the gym within 45 minutes after the Egg hatches.
Once you have that done, all you have to do is to tap the ‘Nearby’ option on the bottom right of your Map View tab. There, click on the button ‘Raid’ and follow it by selecting a new Raid or joining any ongoing battle in the gym.

Afterward, you’ll have to pick 6 Pokémon to battle with the Boss Pokémon in the raid. Having said that, you can invite your friends to the Battle Raid by simply tapping on the Invite Friends button on the right side of the screen. This will forward an invitation to your friends and they can join you in the Raid lobby.
How to Battle in a Raid
In order to know a few yet most important moves while battling a Raid in Pokémon Go, give the following detail a read:

Fast Attack
First and foremost, you have the Fast Attack option. It can be done by tapping anywhere on the screen. Plus it boosts up your Charged Attack meter.
Charged Attack
While you make frequent fast attacks, it keeps on charging the Charged Attack meter. Once it gets full, you can use it to cause great damage to the Boss Pokémon.
Lastly, there's this dodge option, which enables you to disappear to restore your Pokémon’s energy and get back to the battle again.

1. Can you solo 5 star raids Pokémon go?
As there are different tiers of raids in Pokémon Go, some of them can be done with a single player, while others require a multi-player setup. So in a similar context, the 5-star Pokémon raids need to be done with many people and thus you can't solo 5-star raids in Pokémon Go.

2. Where can I find raids in Pokémon go?
You can find raids by tapping the ‘Nearby’ button on the bottom right corner of your Map View. Then following that, you have to select the tab, ‘Raid’.
Next up, you’ll see a list of Raid Battles that are mentioned on the Map View, along with the names of Gyms with ongoing battles to join. You can access any of your preferred Battle Raid by simply tapping on the option ‘View’ beneath them.

3. What is Pokémon raid hour?
Raid hours in Pokémon Go are global events that feature one new Pokémon or a group of them that appear more frequently in raid battles. Besides, this is a one-hour-long event during which, some new, rare, Mythical, or Legendary Pokémon Bosses are featured, having exclusive moves.

Final Verdict
So this was all regarding how to do Pokémon Go raids. I hope that this guide was of help to you, and you were able to learn all the basics of this game.


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