Fire Fang
It shows the ability of Fire Fang and Pokemon that learns it.
Fire Fang
Gym / Raid | PvP / PvE | |
Kind | Fast Move | |
Type | Fire | |
Power | 13 | 8 |
Cooldown | 1s | - |
Damage window | 0.74s | - |
Energy | +9 | +6 |
DPS(STAB) | 13.00 (15.60) | - |
Moves (Gym/Raid) | Moves (PvP/PvE) |
Type effectiveness
Normal | - | Flying | - | Fire | △ |
Water | △ | Grass | ◯ | Electric | - |
Ice | ◯ | Fighting | - | Poison | - |
Ground | - | Psychic | - | Bug | ◯ |
Rock | △ | Ghost | - | Dragon | △ |
Dark | - | Steel | ◯ | Fairy | - |
◯ : x1.6、△ : x0.8
Pokemon that learn Fire Fang
#952 Scovillain | #888 Zacian(Hero) | #888 Zacian(Crowned Sword) |
#727 Incineroar | #668 Pyroar | #667 Litleo |
#643 Reshiram | #555 Darmanitan Zen | #555 Darmanitan Standard |
#554 Darumaka | #450 Hippowdon | #373 Salamence |
#373 Mega Salamence | #303 Mawile | #303 Mega Mawile |
#262 Mightyena | #244 Entei | #229 Houndoom |
#229 Mega Houndoom | #59 Arcanine | #59 Arcanine Hisuian |
#5 Charmeleon |