Hunt Shiny - Pokemon Go Raids!

Looking to raid legendary Pokemons?
Try our easy-to-use Raid Engine now!
Click on Settings, enter your game details & proceed to Hosting / Joining a raid in under 15 seconds.

This is an automatic matching tool for joining and inviting remote raids.

Invite(Host)Join (Guest)

1.Check the number of friends.

Make sure your friend count hasn't reached its limit!

2.Press the "Invite" button

3.Create an raid invitation

1.Bosses to be recruited.
2.Number of people to be recruited.
3.Weather boosts, number of people waiting on site, etc.

4.Approve the friend request

5.Complete the recruitment

When the number of participants reaches the maximum, the application will be closed automatically. If you wish to end the recruitment process, please click the "End" button.
If you would like to recruit again, please click the "Reopening" button or the "+1" or "+5" button.

6.Enter the raid and send the invitation

You can easily narrow down the list by copying the participant's trainer name and pasting it into the search box when inviting them.

1.Press the "Join" button

2.Select bosses from the list.

3.Start automatic matching

4.Send friend request to host after matching

5.Press the "Ready" button

6.Confirm the raid invitation in Nearby

7.Join using a remote raid pass.

8.Evaluate host


  • Even if you leave the lobby after being invited, you can re-enter the room if everyone does not leave.
  • Create a private invitation room in a crowded gym, as you will not be able to join if the room is full before you are invited.
  • You can invite up to 5 people at the same time, but you can invite up to 9 people in total by leaving the lobby and re-entering the room.(You can invite up to 10 people if you are using a regular pass instead of a remote raid pass.)
  • No pass is consumed before the start of the raid.
  • It's a good idea to unfriend after the raid so that you can request friends again from the same trainer.

Against unauthorized users

If you find an unauthorized user, such as an invitee not inviting a raid or a participant not joining in a raid, select to block that user.
Blocking will show that user's raid invitations in the list closed, and your raid invitations will not be visible to that user.

Can't register your trainer code?

There is a possibility that the same trainer code has been registered multiple times.
If your trainer code resets every time you visit GO Raids, please make sure your browser is not in private mode.

SettingsInviteJoinAuto finding


Star Level (GO Raids Lv)

Every time you host a raid you get 10xp.
As you gain xp you will level up and unlock more raiding features.


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